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Coffee/Donuts Sundays at 9:30 am. Service at 10 am.   6933 GA Hwy 11 Jefferson, GA 30549

About Corner-Stone Church

Join us every Sunday at 9:30 am for coffee and donuts.

Our Worship Service begins at 10:00 am.

Childcare is provided for nursery, preschool, and elementary school-aged kids.

Learn more about Corner-Stone Church below where we try to answer some of the most frequent questions we receive from those unfamiliar with us.

Where & When

We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating. We want to put your mind at ease by letting you know what to expect. Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions:

Where are you located?
Corner-Stone is located at 6933 Highway 11 (also known as “Winder Highway”) in Jefferson, GA. We are convenient to Braselton, Winder, and Hoschton and have members living in all of those communities. 

What time does the service start (and end)?
Worship services at Corner-Stone start at 10:00am on Sunday mornings. Our services generally last about an hour.

Is childcare provided for my little ones? Where do I take them?
Yes, we do provide childcare on Sunday mornings! Our “Kid Zone” is located down the hallway to the left after you enter our main doors. Classrooms are broken down by age group and the ages for each classroom are listed above the doorways. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to figure all of this out on your own. Just ask our greeter (or any other member) for help, and they will be glad to point you in the right direction.

I am a mom with a new baby and I don’t want to leave him or her in the nursery. Is that ok?
Yes, that is perfectly fine! We have many young families at Corner-Stone. In fact, we have a “Family Worship Room” that can be used if you have a newborn or other little one that you would like to keep with you. Babies are welcome in the sanctuary as well. The Family Worship Room is located on the right just before you enter the sanctuary. You can see (and hear) the service, but you have privacy when needed.

How should I dress for church?
The short answer to this question is: however you like! We want you to be comfortable at Corner-Stone. To us, what you wear is just not that important (sorry to offend you fashionistas out there!) We believe that authentic worship and fellowship with other believers are much more important than the clothes we wear. You will see jeans, shorts, dress pants, dresses and skirts, t-shirts, and even flip-flops. Come as you are!

That should cover the basics, but if you have any other questions, please feel free to call or email us. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Our Church History

In the fall of 1998 Darrel Rewis moved to Fort Worth, TX to attend seminary with his wife Kimberly. Darrel graduated in the fall of 2000 and took a position at a church in northeast Atlanta. After 4 years on staff Darrel felt the Lord’s prompting to plant a new church. He and his wife Kimberly subsequently moved back to Texas to attend a church planting program and after a year of study, Darrel and Kimberly moved back to the northeast Atlanta area to start Corner-Stone Baptist Church in 2005. They initially began a Bible study in their Jefferson home and then shortly thereafter moved into the cafeteria of West Jackson Middle School in Hoschton, GA meeting every other Sunday evening.

In the process of looking for property and a building to call home the Director of the Mulberry Baptist Association, Jim Maston, suggested something unusual. Romans Road Baptist Church was an existing Jefferson church with property and a building but with no lead pastor. Jim suggested a partnership between our two churches. After much prayer and consideration members of Corner-Stone and Romans Road separately voted, both with near unanimity, to partner in ministry.

In November of 2007 Corner-Stone made the move into their new and permanent location. A few months later Romans Road Baptist Church dissolved but only as a corporation. Some of its core members are now members of Corner-Stone’s family and integral to our growth and progress.

Our Purpose

Corner-Stone exists to see believers live mature and surrendered lives, sharing the transforming power of the gospel to the surrounding community and to the ends of the earth.

Our Core Values

* Making Disciples Who Go Make Disciples – We believe the church is to intentionally grow believers into mature followers who “go” share the gospel with those who do not yet know Christ.

* Expository Preaching and Teaching – We believe the church is best discipled as we learn of God’s Word book by book and verse by verse.

* Doing Life Together – We believe that the church is a place to build community and relationships as we pursue Christ together.

* Intentional Intergenerational Relationships – We believe that the church is best served when peoples of all ages are involved in the lives and discipleship of one another.

* Welcoming “Every Nation and Every Tribe” – We believe that the church is greatly enhanced when people of different cultures, ethnicity, and race are joined into one family serving the Kingdom.

Our Leadership Team

Bobby Linkous, Lead Pastor
jeff grant
Jeff Grant, Associate Pastor
Ricky Fitzpatrick, Worship

Radley King, Elder
Andy Crawford, Elder
Brian Williamson, Elder

Our Beliefs

We recognize that the unity of the church universal is based solely on the person and work of Jesus and His atoning work. At Corner-Stone we believe in the following foundational truths of historic Christianity.

While we as a local fellowship of believers understand that some believers do not agree with all
of the following doctrinal beliefs, we ask that all incoming members agree to guard for the sake
of unity the following statement of faith:


There is one God: infinite, eternal, almighty and perfect in holiness, truth and love. In the unity of the godhead there are three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-existent, co-equal, co-eternal. The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Holy Spirit, yet each is truly Deity. One God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is the foundation of Christian faith and life.


God the Father is the Creator of heaven and earth. By His word and for His glory, He freely and supernaturally created the world of nothing. Through the same Word He daily sustains all His creatures. He rules over all and is the only Sovereign. His plans and purposes cannot be thwarted. He is faithful to every promise, works all things together for good to those who love Him and in His unfathomable grace gave His Son Jesus Christ for mankind’s redemption. He made man for fellowship with Himself, and intended that all creation should live to the praise of His glory.


Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the eternal Word made flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He is perfect in nature, teaching and obedience. He is fully God and was fully man. He was always with God and is God. Through Him all things came into being and were created. He was before all things and in Him all things hold together by the word of His power. He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation and in Him dwells the fullness of the godhead bodily. He is the only Savior for the sins of the world having shed His blood and died a vicarious death on Calvary’s cross. By His death in our place, He revealed the divine love and upheld divine justice, removing our guilt and reconciling us to God. Having redeemed us from sin, the third day He rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and the powers of darkness and for a period of forty days appeared to over five hundred witnesses performing many convincing proofs of His resurrection. He ascended into heaven where, at God’s right hand, He intercedes for His people and rules as Lord over all. He is the Head of His body, the church, and should be adored, loved, served and obeyed by all.


The Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Through the proclamation of the gospel He persuades men to repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord. By the same Spirit a person is led to trust in divine mercy. The Holy Spirit unites believers to Jesus Christ in faith, brings about the new birth and dwells within the regenerate. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify the Son who in turn came to glorify the Father. He will lead the church into a right understanding and rich application of the truth of God’s Word. He is to be respected, honored and worshipped as God the Third Person of the Trinity.


We accept the Bible, including the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament, as the written Word of God. The Bible is an essential and infallible record of God’s self-disclosure to mankind. It leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Being given by God the Scriptures are both fully and verbally inspired by God. Therefore, as originally given, the Bible is free of error in all it teaches. Each book is to be interpreted according to its context and purpose and in reverent obedience to the Lord who speaks through it in living power. All believers are exhorted to study the Scriptures and diligently apply them to their lives. The Scriptures are the authoritative and normative rule and guide of all Christian life, practice and doctrine. They are totally sufficient and must not be added to, superseded or changed by later tradition, extra-biblical revelation or worldly wisdom. Every doctrinal formulation, whether of creed, confession or theology must be put to the test of the full counsel of God in Holy Scripture.


God made man – male and female – in His own image, as the crown of creation, that man might have fellowship with Him. Tempted by Satan, man rebelled against God. Being estranged from his Maker, yet responsible to Him, he became subject to divine wrath, inwardly depraved and apart from a special work of grace, utterly incapable of returning to God. This depravity is radical and pervasive. It extends to his mind, will and affections. Unregenerate man lives under the dominion of sin and Satan. He is at enmity with God, hostile toward God, and hateful of God. Fallen, sinful people, whatever their character or attainments, are lost and without hope apart from salvation in Christ.


Jesus Christ is the gospel. The good news is revealed in His birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension. Christ’s crucifixion is the heart of the gospel, His resurrection is the power of the gospel and His ascension is the glory of the gospel. Christ’s death is a substitutionary and propitiatory sacrifice to God for our sins. It satisfies the demands of God’s holy justice and appeases His holy wrath. It also demonstrates His mysterious love and reveals His amazing grace. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. There is no other name by which men must be saved. At the heart of all sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the infinite privilege that redeemed sinners have of glorifying God because of what He has accomplished. Therefore, we want all that takes place in our hearts, churches and ministries to proceed from and be related to the cross.


Man’s response to the gospel is rooted and grounded in the free and unconditional election of God for His own pleasure and glory. It is also true that the message of the gospel is only effectual to those who genuinely repent of their sins and by God’s grace put saving faith in Christ. This gospel of grace is to be sincerely preached to all men in all nations. Biblical repentance is characterized by a changed life, and saving faith is evidenced by kingdom service or works. While neither repentance nor works save, unless a person is willing to deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow Christ, he cannot become His disciple.


Salvation, the free gift of God, is provided by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. Anyone turning from sin in repentance and looking to Christ and His substitutionary death receives the gift of eternal life and is declared righteous by God as a free gift. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to him. He is justified and fully accepted by God. Through Christ’s atonement for sin an individual is reconciled to God as Father and becomes His child. The believer is forgiven the debt of his sin and via the miracle of regeneration liberated from the law of sin and death into the freedom of God’s Spirit.


The Holy Spirit is the active agent in our sanctification and seeks to produce His fruit in us as our minds are renewed and we are conformed to the image of Christ. Though indwelling sin remains a reality, as we are led by the Spirit, we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, freely keeping His commandments and endeavoring to so live in the world that all people may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. All believers are exhorted to persevere in the faith knowing they will have to give an account to God for their every thought, word and deed. The spiritual disciplines, especially Bible study, prayer, worship and confession, are a vital means of grace in this regard. Nevertheless, the believer’s ultimate confidence to persevere is based in the sure promise of God to preserve His people until the end, which is most certain.


The Holy Spirit empowers believers for Christian witness and service. The promise of the Father is freely available to all who believe in Jesus Christ, thereby enabling them to exercise the powers of the age to come in ministry and mission. The Holy Spirit desires to continually fill each believer with power to witness, and imparts His supernatural gifts for the edification of the Body and the work of ministry in the world. The gifts of the spirit are essential in the mission of the church in the world today.


God by His Word and Spirit creates the church, calling sinful men out of the whole human race into the fellowship of Christ’s Body. By the same Word and Spirit, He guides and preserves that new redeemed humanity. The church is not a religious institution or denomination. Rather, the church universal is made up of those who have become genuine followers of Jesus Christ and have personally appropriated the gospel. The church exists to worship and glorify God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It also exists to serve Him by faithfully doing His will in the earth. This involves a commitment to see the gospel preached and churches planted in the entire world for a testimony. The ultimate mission of the church is the making of disciples through the preaching of the gospel. When God transforms human nature, this then becomes the chief means of society’s transformation. Upon conversion, newly redeemed men and women are added to a local church in which they devote themselves to teaching, fellowship, the Lord’s Supper and prayer.

All members of the church universal are to be a vital and committed part of a local church. In this context they are called to walk out the New Covenant as the people of God and demonstrate the reality of the kingdom of God. The ascended Christ has given gift ministries to the church (including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) for the equipping of Christ’s body that it might mature and grow. Through the gift ministries all members of the church are to be nurtured and equipped for the work of the ministry. In the context of the local church, God’s people receive pastoral care and leadership and the opportunity to employ their God-given gifts in His service in relation to one another and to the world.


Water baptism is only intended for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and become His disciple. Therefore, in obedience to Christ’s command and as a testimony to God, the church, oneself and the world, a believer should be immersed in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Water baptism is a visual demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. It signifies that his former way of life has been put to death and vividly depicts a person’s release from the mastery of sin.

As with water baptism, the Lord’s Supper is to be observed only by those who have become genuine followers of Christ. This ordinance symbolizes the breaking of Christ’s body and the shedding of His blood on our behalf, and is to be observed repeatedly throughout the Christian life as a sign of continued participation in the atoning benefits of Christ’s death. As we partake of the Lord’s Supper with an attitude of faith and self-examination, we remember and proclaim the death of Christ, receive spiritual nourishment for our souls, and signify our unity with other members of Christ’s body.


The consummation of all things includes the visible, personal and glorious return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the translation of those alive in Christ, the judgment of the just and the unjust, and the fulfillment of Christ’s kingdom in the new heavens and the new earth. In the consummation, Satan with his hosts and all those outside Christ are finally separated from the benevolent presence of God, enduring eternal punishment, but the righteous, in glorious bodies, shall live and reign with Him forever, serving Him and giving Him unending praise and glory. Then shall the eager expectation of creation be fulfilled and the whole earth shall proclaim the glory of God Who makes all things new.